Turquoise: 2025 Emergency Healing Color of the Year!
In 2021, I wrote a blog post about how the color turquoise is connected to the human organism in ways that we cannot see, or touch. We can, however, feel them. At the time, I was studying Color Therapy, and experimenting with the effects of short meditations on different colors. But in 2022, I saw how the effects of turquoise were immediate, shockingly effective and, in a way, lifesaving! At the end of this tribute to that wonderful color, I will tell you the story.
Colors add more than just enjoyment to visual life. Connected to, and originating from the light spectrum, color is to life as light is to life for the human organism. Using a color such as turquoise in your small space can add more than interest to the décor. It can add a level of wellness that you may not have anticipated.
The Turquoise Coast is an area along the Mediterranean and Aegean, known for its distinctive blue-green waters. Going beyond the topical beauty of the Turkish Riviera, the color turquoise has been revered by Native Americans for its particular healing and protective properties. The stone turquoise has a number of meanings, depending on the Native peoples who revere it, all of which are tied to its color, a blend of sky and water. For those who wish to delve further than the beauty of this dynamic color, the gemstone turquoise is connected metaphysically to water. Its protective attributes relate to dispelling negativism (could this have something to do with water washing away negative energy?) and increasing the energy of a human body—particularly in the throat. Chakras are energy centers of the body, which also relate to different colors on the light spectrum, but no need to go deeper into the study of chakras to find the benefits of this stunning color in your own small space.
Adding a healing color to your space is as easy as adding a new throw pillow, a new coverlet, or a placemat. When you gaze at turquoise, the color itself takes you away. The green-blue of turquoise is always a mystery, as it is impossible to see where the green stops and the blue starts. They are blended. In contemplating the enigma of this color, you find yourself relaxing. You are taken out of your own busy mind and transported into this turquoise world.
In these first steps finding a new level of wellness to place into your own small space, start with the color turquoise. Find your turquoise element, place it in your space, gaze at it, then let it infuse your space with beauty and calm. After a time, you will realize the color has created an oasis of peace, that was not there before. At that point, you will know you have entered the world of color as a healing force. The possibilities are endless.
For more information on the direct healing properties of color, related to homeopathy, see the book “Healing and Health with the Homeopathic Color and Sound Remedies” by Ambika Wauters (2017).
Turquoise can be emergency medicine. I used it and I saw its effects. Here is what happened:
In 2022, I was working in an office, next to a young colleague who was telling me about her anxiety. She had planned a vacation with her friends, but was going to be on an airplane for the first time. In telling me, she started to develop a panic attack. She started to have symptoms. She felt like she couldn’t breathe! She needed help. I was the only one there with her, and was going to call 911, except for one thing I had to try first. I was working with colored paper and just happened to have a sheet of turquoise construction paper on my desk. I immediately shoved it across the desk in front of her, then went for my phone. By the time my phone was out of my purse, my co-worker was calm, breathing normally. She was looking at the color turquoise. Then, she talked about her vacation. It was going to be in the Caribbean. She would be flying over turquoise. Whatever miraculous mechanism exists between us and the colors around us, I truly believe turquoise is the color of healing.
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