Family Business Series-Addiction

When the second generation son is taking over the family business from a founding parent, and the son has a serious drinking or drug problem, who is going to confront him? One out of two American family businesses will have to deal with a family-related addiction problem within the company, according to a 2012 study of 99 family businesses from a broad range of industries across the country. One out of two. Addiction is a big problem for American family businesses — mostly a hidden problem.

Sibling Rivalry in the Family Business

Can brothers and sisters really work together? Or is there always an underlying rivalry, dating back to the worst of childhood rants: “Mom always liked you best!”!!! Sometimes, the family business is on the line. Family businesses can function as well with family members, as with non-family, except when siblings are not in harmony. One of the most frequent obstacles to a thriving business founded by, and operated by, a family is a fight between, or among, siblings. Northeastern University Cente

Competition for the Best Family-Owned Business – Learning from the Winners!

Family businesses are not just “businesses”. A key government agency is monitoring this subsection of “business” in the United States, to find out how they operate and how they can flourish, or fail. Every year, each state chapter of the United States Small Business Administration grants an annual award for “ Family Business of the Year” in each state. State-based S.B.A. Chapters accept nominations of family-owned businesses for the Jeffrey Butland Family Business of the Year award. The contest

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